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Zach Obrigewitch | The Krabbenhoft Korner Blog

Wednesday, October 2, 2019   /   by Zach Obrigewitch

Good Ol' Days: 9 Sears Catalog Homes That Will Make You Reminisce

The year is 1908... 

The first Mother's Day was celebrated, construction of the Titanic begins, and Henry Ford introduced the first Model T. The growth of the nation and the world lead to many breakthroughs that drastically impacted the way of life. Such growth could be felt in the home, when families would peel through the daily newspaper. Advertisements for this, that, and the third fill the pages to entice families to buy. 
It was also during this time that a Midwest company, Sears, Roebuck and Company started to create a revolutionary business model. They discovered that if they ship building materials straight from the factory, it drastically cuts costs. This model lead to the first ever catalog issued for houses, Book of Modern Homes and Building Plans. This gave people a one-stop-shop to the materials needed for 22 home designs. 
The lumber would arrive via train, and you could begin construction. It included everything down to the varnish. Base models m ...

Friday, July 12, 2019   /   by Zach Obrigewitch

5 Tips To Make Packing Easier

5 Tips to Make Packing Easier

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” -Paulo Coelho
Although moving brings new opportunities and new adventures, it is not always easy to do. Most everyone hates the idea of packing. To make moving and packing less stressful, follow these 5 simple steps.
1. Make A Plan

Without a plan, moving can become far more difficult. To help you stay on top of your game, write down a vision of what you want to accomplish. To make sure your vision gets completed, write down goals and deadlines for each project you are hoping to complete. Doing this will help you know how much time you need to set aside for each task. It will also keep you on track and avoid getting overwhelmed or discouraged. It may even be helpful to divvy up your goals with a checklist that can be crossed off when you are done.
2. Get Rid of Stuff

Moving can be a lo; ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2019   /   by Zach Obrigewitch

Build your credit, the smart way, with these tips. Number 4 is key.

In few instances, debt may work in your favor. 
You know the old adage, "spend money to make money," So if you are planning on obtaining a business loan, or a mortgage, you can use the debt in your favor. With that being said, your credit health needs to suffice the requirements set forth by the financial institution in order to obtain the sum of money. In 2017, FICO (originally Fair, and Isaac Company) stated that 11.7% of Americans had poor standings with their credit score. Increasing your credit score is as much a mindset, as it is a skill set. Here are a few easy steps, that if you buy in, can increase your credit score/history, allowing you to conduct larger financial decisions.
1. Eliminate small credit card debt.
     What we like to call "clothing credit" this has to be the first to go. Credit lines through places such as retailers (department stores, electronics, furniture) can be easy to get into, but tricky to get out of. If your monthly budge; ...